# Fraunhofer.Fit.IoT.Bots.LoraBot (Lora-Bot)
<!-- Short description of the project. -->
Program that runs on a raspberry pi and process the Lora traffic from the Lora library. This readme is meant for describing the application.
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## Getting Started
<!-- Instruction to make the project up and running. -->
The project documentation is available on the [Wiki](
## Deployment
<!-- Deployment/Installation instructions. If this is software library, change this section to "Usage" and give usage examples -->
This software can not run in docker, it is made to run on real hardware (raspberry pi) with mono. This came from the [lora]( library.
## Development
<!-- Developer instructions. -->
* Versioning: Use [SemVer]( and tag the repository with full version string. E.g. `v1.0.0`
### Prerequisite
This projects depends on some librarys:
#### Internal
* BlubbFish.Utils ([Utils](
* BlubbFish.Utils.IoT ([Utils-IoT](
* BlubbFish.Utils.IoT.Bots ([Bot-Utils](
* BlubbFish.Utils.IoT.Connector.Data.Mqtt ([ConnectorDataMqtt](
* BlubbFish.Utils.IoT.Interfaces ([Iot-Interfaces](
* Fraunhofer.Fit.Iot.Lora ([Lora](
#### External
* litjson
### Test
The only way to test this programm is to run it on real hardware.
### Build
Please build it with Visual Studio.
## Contributing
Contributions are welcome.
Please fork, make your changes, and submit a pull request. For major changes, please open an issue first and discuss it with the other authors.
## Affiliation

This work is supported by the European Commission through the [MONICA H2020 PROJECT]( under grant agreement No 732350.