1.1.0 Now awaiing Battery as Double and fix the sending twise issue
1.2.0 Restructure and remove old code
1.3.0 Status event and fileds added and refactoring
1.4.0 Implement Height in Lora
1.4.1 Fixing parsing bug with linebreaks
1.4.2 Adding test for LoraBinary
1.5.0 Add support for IC880A board
1.6.0 Fixing binary data transmission
1.6.1 Update to local librarys
1.7.0 Add Parsing for new Statusformat and Panic Packet
1.8.0 Add field that indicates when the last gps position was recieved, change all times to UTC
1.8.1 Add Hostname to MQTT, so you can see from witch device the data is recieved
1.8.2 Bugfix, create also an event for sending normal loradata when update panic